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Effects of Thirty-Four Adolescent Tobacco Use Cessation and Prevention Trails on Regular Users of Tobacco Products

NCJ Number
Substance Use & Misuse Volume: 34 Issue: 11 Dated: 1999 Pages: 1469-1503
Steve Sussman Ph.D; Kara Litchtman B.A.; Anamara Ritt M.A.; Unto E. Pallonen Ph.D
Date Published
35 pages
This is a review of more than two decades of research into the failure of adolescent tobacco use cessation and prevention programs.
Since 1991, adolescent tobacco use rates have increased while adult use has steadily decreased. The failure of adolescent tobacco use cessation and prevention programs to reduce the overall smoking rate indicates that research must be advanced in this area. The article discusses 34 programs, equally divided between cessation and prevention (targeting regular tobacco users). Among the cessation studies, a programming emphasis on immediate consequences of use and instruction in coping strategies may have led to relatively successful programs. Prevention studies arguably may have achieved lower success rates but were applied to a larger sample with a longer follow-up period. Despite showing some success, the scientific status of cessation research is less refined than that of prevention research. Tables, notes, references