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Effects of a Self-Esteem Counseling Group on Male Prisoners' Self-Concept

NCJ Number
Journal of Offender Counseling Services and Rehabilitation Volume: 7 Issue: 3/4 Dated: (Spring/Summer 1983) Pages: 107-117
J R Vicary; R Good
Date Published
11 pages
A self-esteem counseling workshop was conducted for fifteen male inmates of a therapeutic community within a minimum-medium security state prison.
Participant offenses included drugs, burglary, aggressive offenses and murder; most were 19-25 years old, serving 2 1/2-5-year sentences. The program emphasized family related self-concept, using experiential and discussion strategies. Topics covered included family antecedents of self-perception, self-assessment and acceptance, behavioral demonstration of self worth, and current family interactions and effects. Results indicated a significant increase in the participants' family-based self-esteem scores from pre- to posttest, while no change occurred in peer or work-oriented self-concept. (Author abstract)