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The Effects of Aggression Replacement Training on Antisocial Behavior in a Runaway Shelter

NCJ Number
Research on Social Work Practice Volume: 8 Issue: 6 Dated: 1998 Pages: 636-656
William R. Nugent; Charlene Bruley; Patricia Allen
Date Published
21 pages


This article reports on a field study that investigated the effects of Aggression Replacement Training (ART) on the antisocial behavior of adolescents in a runaway shelter.


An interrupted time series design was used. The case records of 522 adolescents who lived in the shelter for more than 519 days were reviewed. Data were obtained on the adolescents' antisocial behavior spanning from about 310 days prior to and about 209 days after the start of the ART program. The results suggest that the commencement of the ART program was associated with a 20-percent decrease in the rate of antisocial behavior and a 17-percent decrease in the daily number of antisocial behavior incidents. Thus, the ART program may be a valuable part of a comprehensive treatment package for social workers to use with antisocial adolescents in short-term residential facilities.29 references (publisher abstract modified)

