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Effectiviteit van sanctieprogramma's: op zoek naar interventies die werken

NCJ Number
E. M.. Th. Beenakkers
Date Published
113 pages
This literature review -- a follow-up to "Effectiveness of Correctional Treatment; a Literature Survey" (2000) -- is an update of the international literature on the effectiveness of correctional programs in general, with the literature review of the Netherlands focusing on programs and therapies for sexual and violent offenders and their outcomes.
A special effort was made to determine research results on the effectiveness of programs for ethnic minorities in the Netherlands. Since the Netherlands is considering piloting a reasoning and rehabilitation (R&R) program, evaluation findings for such programs in European countries were reviewed. The literature review found that cognitive behavioral programs were the most successful. Although this was true for sexual offenders, the results were not as conclusive. There is a wealth of literature on cognitive-behavioral programs for sexual offenders; such programs have been implemented in prisons in England and Scotland. In the Netherlands, programs for sexual offenders have been modeled after North American programs in targeting empathy for victims, cognitive distortions, denial or minimization, and relapse prevention strategies. The literature on treatment effects for violent offenders is inconclusive. In the Netherlands there are no programs specifically designed for violent offenders, although some programs have a component that aims to strengthen aggression control. Maximum-security hospitals have therapies for violent offenders with mental disorders. There has been no research on recidivism. There was no specific literature on the effectiveness of correctional programs for sexual and violent offenders of ethnic minorities in the Netherlands. Research results on R&R programs provided by the probation service in England are positive. In the Scandinavian countries, research results on treatment effects were positive, although there were no recidivism results yet, given that the period of implementation had been too short. 94 references