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Effectiveness of Various Degrees and Circumstances of Program Completion of Young Male Offenders in a Residential Treatment Center

NCJ Number
Journal of Clinical Psychology Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Dated: (July 1990) Pages: 491-500
M J Klingsporn; R C Force; C Burdsal
Date Published
10 pages
The follow-up socialized coping was analyzed of boys preponderantly classified as conduct disorders who were admitted to a relatively open residential treatment center and categorized into 10 different clinical groups, only one of which consisted of those who actually completed treatment.
The Treatment Plan Completers Group did better than all others except for those few boys (about three percent) who were withdrawn from treatment by their parents. The boys removed by their parents remained in treatment for an average of 312 days. For the five boys for whom records were available, the average family prerelease evaluations all were favorable. Most likely, a boy from this group essentially had completed his treatment, and both he and his parents were ready for his return. Few of the group differences could be attributed to either age at admission or duration of treatment. The rather pronounced differences among groups that failed to complete treatment raised some methodological questions with regard to the practice of aggregating such groups in evaluation research. 1 figure, 2 tables, and 15 references (Author abstract modified)