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Effectiveness of Sexual Victimization Prevention Among College Students: A Summary of "What Works"

NCJ Number
Victims & Offenders Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Dated: October 2009 Pages: 398-404
Leah E. Daigle; Bonnie S. Fisher; Megan Stewart
Date Published
October 2009
7 pages
This study reviews evaluations of college-based programs for preventing sexual victimization and highlight the most promising practices.
During an academic year, between 3 percent and 10 percent of college women, nationally, experience rape; between 13 percent and 40 percent experience sexual victimization other than rape. A substantial proportion of these women are victimized repeatedly throughout their college years. Researchers and campus administrators know little about "what works" to reduce sexual victimization among college students. Evaluations suggest that most rape reduction programs improve students' knowledge and attitudes about rape but do not produce large, lasting reductions in sexual victimization. (Published Abstracts)