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The Effectiveness of Male Targeted Sexual Assault Prevention Programs: A Meta-Analysis

NCJ Number
Trauma, Violence & Abuse: A Review Journal Volume: 21 Issue: 5 Dated: 2018 Pages: 859-869
Lauren A. Wright; Nelson O. O. Zounlome; Susan C. Whiston
Date Published
11 pages

This document discusses several sexual assault prevention initiatives which are designed to target men, and notes that there is significant room for improvement in terms of practical application as well as research.


In this paper, the authors review rape statistics and survey results that focused on female college student populations, concluding that effective sexual assault prevention efforts targeted at men are needed and note that several initiatives have been developed. The current study provides a meta-analytic investigation of male-targeted sexual assault prevention interventions. Eligible studies were located from the following databases: Psychological Information Database, Education Resources Information Center, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Google Scholar, Dissertation Abstracts Online, Criminal Justice Abstracts, and reference sections of relevant articles. The weighted mean effect size for between-subjects studies of sexual assault attitudes showed improvement (d = −0.24, k = 25), and the effect was statistically significant (p < .001). The weighted mean effect size for between-subjects studies of future inclinations toward engaging in sexually aggressive behavior (d = −0.20, k = 13, p = .02) and toward engaging in sexual assault prevention behavior (d = 0.27, k = 10, p = .007) showed statistically significant improvements as well. However, the weighted mean effect sizes for between-subjects studies of rape empathy, sexual assault knowledge, sexual assault–related attitudes, and sexual assault perpetration were nonsignificant. Results show there is significant room for growth, both in terms of practical applications and further research. Publisher Abstract Provided