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Effectiveness of a Computer-Based Safety Programme for Children with Severe Learning Difficulties

NCJ Number
Child Abuse Review Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Dated: May-June 2001 Pages: 198-209
Deborah Lee; Anna McGee; Simon Ungar
Date Published
12 pages
This paper considers the effectiveness of a computer-based safety program for children with severe learning difficulties.
The paper reports findings of a research study into the development of a safety program for children with severe and complex learning difficulties. Participants in the study were 50 young people from three schools specially designed for young people with severe learning difficulties. None of the schools had previously implemented formal personal safety training procedures. The research report presents a detailed methodological study on teaching safety concepts to children with severe learning difficulties; demonstrates that multimedia can be used successfully to teach these concepts; presents further evidence that participants' reasoning about authority does affect their ability to provide "safe responses" to abuse vignettes; and shows that using participants' justifications of compliant behavior produces an effective teaching program. The article expresses the hope that use of this safety program can break down myths which suggest that those with learning difficulties are incapable of explaining events even if they understand what has happened, by teaching young people the skills they need to communicate about sexual issues, and by creating methods to aid communication and teach those around young people to listen to what they say. Tables, figures, references