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Effective Use of Courtroom Technology: A Judge's Guide to Pretrial and Trial

NCJ Number
Date Published
357 pages
This book serves as a manual for judges on the use of analog and digital equipment for the enhancement of evidentiary exhibits during pre-trials conferences and trials; cost of equipment is also discussed.
The use of digital and analog equipment including video cameras, digital cameras, computer programs, integrated lecterns, and electronic whiteboard are explored. The book is divided into four parts. Part I provides an overview of the equipment and is divided into three levels. Each piece of equipment is examined in the context of court participation, skills required for equipment setup, impact of equipment on jurors, control issues for judges, and required advocacy skills for successful use. Part II deals with certain aspects of discovery that affect trials using technology. Part III covers pretrial proceedings that include disclosure by the parties, equipment issues, and videoconferencing for pretrial issues. Part IV covers trial preliminary matters, jury selection and instructions, videoconferencing witness testimony, closing argument, final jury instructions and posttrial briefs. Appendices, glossary, index, and CD-ROM

Corporate Author
Federal Judicial Ctr

Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, One Columbus Circle, NE, Washington, DC 20002, United States

Sale Source
Federal Judicial Ctr

Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, One Columbus Circle, NE, Washington, DC 20002, United States

Publication Format
Book (Softbound)
United States of America


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