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Effective Treatment for Drug-Involved Offenders: A Review and Synthesis for Judges and Other Court Personnel

NCJ Number
Date Published
226 pages
This benchbook was designed to provide judges with the information necessary to make decisions regarding drug- involved offenders when they must weigh public safety and treatment choices, understand pharmacology and drug treatment options, and choose between traditional imprisonment or intermediate sanctions.
The first chapter overviews the extent of the alcohol and drug problem among the general population and then specifically among criminal offenders. It discusses the impact of substance abuse on the courts and other criminal justice system personnel. The pharmacology chapter describes a variety of drugs and their effects. The third chapter presents information on the assessment process that may be relevant to court personnel, including judges and probation officers. A variety of treatment modalities and their accepted degree of effectiveness are outlined. The benchbook covers a variety of dispositional options, including traditional probation and incarceration and highlights available supervision and monitoring strategies. The authors urge judicial activism on the part of their readers in the area of alcohol- and drug- involved offenders. The final two sections leave room for the local jurisdiction to insert substance abuse treatment resources and relevant State laws, respectively. 2 appendixes


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