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Effect of Water Immersion on the Detectability of ABO(H) and Rh(D) Antigens in Dried Bloodstains

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 20 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1992) Pages: 75-79
R K Garg; P K Chattopadhyay
Date Published
5 pages
Various techniques for the detection of ABO(H) and Rh(D) antigens in blood stains were applied to 100 blood stains prepared on cotton cloth and then immersed in water for different lengths of time.
The 100 blood stains were from different individuals. Fresh blood was also collected from the same persons and analyzed for the blood group antigens for comparison. After immersion, the blood stains were dried at room temperature and analyzed on the next day. The ABO(H) antigens could be detected until 96 hours of immersion by the absorption-elution method with the use of low ionic strength solution. The number of stains that yielded positive results were lessened with the use of absorption-inhibition and mixed agglutination techniques (88 percent and 89 percent). The number of positive results decreased and no antigen could be detected after the 8th day (192) hours of immersion. The detection of Rh(D) antigens became difficult even after 12 hours of immersion. Overall, the use of low ionic strength solution in the absorption elution method increased the sensitivity and was more suitable than the other techniques used. 1 table and 25 references


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