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Educational Videos and the Federal Judiciary

NCJ Number
FJC Directions Issue: 6 Dated: (July 1994) Pages: 12-15
J E George
Date Published
4 pages
The Federal Judicial Center has produced more than 70 video programs for education and training purposes over the last 5 years to achieve high-quality, cost-effective educational programming.
Videotapes have several benefits. They can deliver clear, consistent messages to all viewers, depict actual techniques or processes such as a management approach or an interviewing skill, and can expose court employees throughout the Federal courts to a variety of practices and perspectives and help create the sense of being part of a national system. Most important, they can be used repeatedly to reach a wide audience, are cost-effective, and can disseminate complicated information quickly. Producing effective videos is a complex process requiring research, consultation, the development of accurate and interesting scripts, the location of appropriate participants and performers, and attention to the technical aspects of production. The Center's videos are significant components of orientation programs for judges and clerk's office staff and support personnel. They are also crucial elements of Center training packages that develop skills at the local court level. Some videos stand alone as self-contained educational programs. In a new endeavor, the Center is developing multimedia programs that combine text, graphics, animation, and video and are recorded on a compact disk or computer disk for viewing on a computer screen. Unlike video, multimedia allows viewers to interact with programs and may also include quizzes. Footnotes and photograph