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Education - A Weapon Against Crime 'A Forum on Prisoner Education' - Summary Proceedings, March 26, 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
36 pages
This document contains the texts of papers presented at a forum designed to make educators and Department of Education officials aware of the special educational needs of prisoners and of the problems involved in providing adequate educational services to clients of the criminal justice systems.
Included among those providing input at the conference were representatives of the following agencies and organizations: the U.S. Department of Education, the Court of Appeals, the U.S. Department of Justice, the American Correctional Association, the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, the Correctional Education Association, the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, and Pace Institute. Focus of these remarks is on the role of various agencies in correctional education, the special educational needs of prisoners, the funding needs of correctional education, accrediting and developing standards of correctional education, and various existing correctional education programs. Appended to the proceedings are biographical sketches of the speakers, goals and objectives of the corrections program, and a list of corrections program staff. (Resources in Education (ERIC) abstract)