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Education in Prison

NCJ Number
Date Published
64 pages
This report presents and explains Council of Europe Recommendation No. R(89) 12 which sets the Council's policy regarding education in prison.
It is recommended that all Member States implement policies that give all inmates access to education, which includes classroom subjects, vocational education, creative and cultural activities, physical education and sports, social education, and library facilities. Inmate education is to be patterned after the education provided the same age groups in society. Inmate education should have no less a status than work within the prison, and inmates should not suffer financially or otherwise because of their participation in education programs. Member States are advised to make every effort to encourage inmates to participate in all aspects of education. Staff training programs should ensure that prison educators use appropriate adult education methods. Special attention must be given to inmates with educational deficits, and vocational education should aim at the total development of the person and reflect trends in the labor market. Education in the prison should involve the outside community to the extent possible.