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Education in Correctional Settings - A Guide for Developing Quality Vocational and Adult Basic Education Programs

NCJ Number
Date Published
128 pages
This guide, based upon a 9-month research project begun in September 1984, advises correctional educators on planning and developing comprehensive vocational and related academic skills programs in institutions and in the community.
The research analyzed contemporary literature on correctional vocation and academic skills programs, particularly those resulting from interagency agreements or arrangements. Telephone and personal interviews with experts in the field cross-checked material and obtained additional programmatic information. Findings, trends, and problems are identified from the literature review and interviews. Guidelines for program elements encompass funding, coalition building, curriculum (training methods), capacity building, information management, and evaluation. A section of the guide describes 25 programs categorized for women, men, and both sexes. The selected programs have a qualitative balance of components in the following areas: differing leadership styles and locations, institutional support, motivational factors, new approaches to special populations, new trends in program design, program administration, specialized vocational curriculum, staff training, and multifunding sources. Information directories and bibliographic references.