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Education Can Help Prevent AIDS and Drug Abuse Among Women

NCJ Number
Date Published
7 pages
This article presents factual information on AIDS, particularly as this disease is affecting women, and describes educational resources that can help prevent AIDS and drug abuse among women.
The factual section of the article advises that AIDS is spreading more rapidly now among women; currently, they compose 10 percent of all new AIDS cases diagnosed. Among all women with AIDS, 30 percent are black intravenous (IV) drug users. Those in the next highest risk group are black heterosexual women followed by Hispanic and white women. Fifty percent of all female AIDS cases in the Nation are in New York City, where AIDS is the leading cause of death for women aged 25-29. Based on the facts presented, this article concludes that prevention efforts must target black and Hispanic women, especially those living in the northeastern United States. Other women who should be targeted for prevention efforts are those who inject illicit drugs; women who are the sexual partners of male intravenous drug users; and other women whose lifestyles include alcohol and other drug use, a high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, or promiscuous sexual behavior. The second section of this article describes educational resources. These include videotapes, pamphlets, and manuals as well as organizations that can be contacted for more information.

