NCJ Number
Date Published
5 pages
Education should be a central part of the strategy for preventing AIDS among intravenous drug users (IVDU's).
IVDU's constitute a major risk population for HIV infection, representing approximately 17 percent of AIDS cases in the United States. The presumed mechanism for the spread of HIV infection among IVDU's is by inoculation of the victim with traces of blood contaminating a needle or other paraphernalia used previously by an infected person. Sexual transmission is a second, less significant means of transmission within this group. IVDU's should be encouraged to seek help in discontinuing IV drug use. Those who persist in IV drug use should be warned against sharing needles and other apparatus. IVDU's should also be advised that HIV-infected persons cannot be identified by symptoms. Instruction should caution IVDU's that no IV paraphernalia sold on the street can be assumed sterile. The technique for sterilizing IV paraphernalia should be disseminated among IVDU's. The education of IVDU's must also include information on safe sex practices. 16 references.