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E-Crime Investigative Technologies

NCJ Number
International Journal of Computer Vision Volume: 76 Issue: 2 Dated: 2008 Pages: 183-204
Sudhir Aggarwal; Zhenhai Duan; Leo Kermes; Breno de Medeiros
Date Published
11 pages

This paper describes three projects that are part of a research agenda in support of digital forensic investigations.


The research and development activities involve the crafting of new technologies and forensic tools to address real-world problems related to electronic/digital crime. The three projects are the DNA project, dedicated to cryptanalysis of passwords; the UnMask project, which addresses the issue of automated support for investigation of phishing attacks; and the PAPA project, which was designed to capture interactions with cyberstalkers and perform sting operations. The DNA and UnMask tools are operational and undergoing testing. The testing of the PAPA tool suggested several alternate uses of the system. (Published abstract provided)