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Durkheim, Tarde and Beyond: The Global Travel of Crime Policies

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Dated: May 2002 Pages: 111-123
Susanne Karstedt
Date Published
13 pages
This article offers a theoretical analysis of the globalization of criminal justice policies.
The authors explain that the exchange of criminal justice policies takes place on an increasingly global scale today. Yet, within this context of criminal justice globalization, policies relating to justice remain a local phenomenon, deeply embedded in the history and culture of particular localities. The authors examine how these criminal justice policies change when they traverse various cultural milieus; what remains intact and what becomes translated into a local language that enables policies to embed themselves within the criminal justice landscape of different cultures. The article also examines convergence theories that analyze the globalization of crime policies, theories such as Durkheim's notion of law and social control in an increasingly modern society. The authors go on to explain that the concept of modeling is perhaps most useful when analyzing the current global exchange of crime policy. In this sense, modeling is more than simple imitation, it involves the translation of crime policies into cultural milieus that are most similar to the culture of origination. Thus, the authors explain that criminal justice policies of the United Kingdom become accepted in the United States because of the similarities in cultures. The authors conclude by offering their analysis of which criminal justice policies are likely to travel widely in the near future, for example, policies that control economic crimes. Notes, references