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Drugs in the Workplace: Research and Evaluation Data, Volume II

NCJ Number
S W Gust, J M Walsh, L B Thomas, D J Crouch
Date Published
251 pages
Papers presented at a conference on "Drugs in the Workplace: Research and Evaluation Data" (September 25-27, 1989, Bethesda, Md.) discuss the nature and extent of drug use by the workforce, drug use and job performance indicators, and drug-free workplace program research.
Papers on the nature and extent of drug use by the workforce address drug-use patterns and demographics of employed drug users, drugs in the military workplace, patterns of drug use in a large metropolitan workforce, drug use trends in a nuclear power facility, and mandatory post-accident drug and alcohol testing for the Federal Railroad Administration. Papers on drug use and job performance indicators include a discussion of the development of repeated acquisition methodologies to detect drug-induced disruption in human learning. Other subjects include a multidimensional evaluation of the effects of drugs on behavior, the effects of alcohol on human behavior, the impact of moderate alcohol consumption on business decisionmaking, and the application of human laboratory data for the assessment of performance in workplace settings. Two papers on drug-free workplace program research include a 1988 Bureau of Labor Statistics' survey of employer anti-drug programs and a re-examination of the role of supervisor training. Chapter references and figures