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Drugs in Swiss Public Opinion: Perception of the Problem and Countermeasures

NCJ Number
Deviance et societe Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1991) Pages: 157-173
E Zimmermann; C Jeangros; D Hausser; P Zeugin
Date Published
17 pages
The article summarizes the results of a Swiss telephone survey conducted from December 4 to December 15, 1989.
The representative sample of 703 subjects answered questions concerning their reaction to the recent public information campaign "Stop AIDS and Drugs," their awareness of the growing Swiss drug problem, the role adults should play in helping addicted juveniles, and acceptable countermeasures. The statistical analysis of the results indicated that 51 percent of the sample was concerned about the drug problem and that the campaign had been successful in increasing public awareness. About half of those interviewed also believed that adults can successfully urge juveniles to stay away from drugs. The most frequently mentioned countermeasures included (1) increased prevention efforts among juveniles, (2) improving the living conditions of juveniles, and (3) curbing drug traffic. A vast majority also stated that sterile syringes should be distributed to intravenous drug users to curb the spread of AIDS. The article concludes that public opinion is favorable to increased preventive efforts and the development of a decisive national drug policy. Statistical charts included