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Drugs Prevention Initiative: Sixth Progress Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
48 pages
The 1995-1996 annual progress report of England's Drugs Prevention Initiative (DPI) outlines a program that involves 12 local drug prevention teams and more than 70 large-scale projects.
Program goals are to involve a broad range of people, build up people's confidence to tackle drug issues, get drug prevention on the agenda of local groups and agencies, and establish a firm and lasting commitment to drug prevention within the community. The program encompasses community involvement, work with parents and young people outside schools, drug education in schools, peer approaches, outreach to rural communities, drug prevention in the criminal justice setting, training for professionals, local information and communication campaigns, and the involvement of racially and culturally diverse groups. Local drug prevention teams work closely with drug action teams and drug reference groups to help develop local strategies. Planning and preparation for the DPI and key project features are described. Photographs