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Drugs -- An International Threat: State Consequences, State Strategies

NCJ Number
Robert A. Babbage Jr.
Date Published
34 pages
A committee of the Council of State Governments was formed in 1998 to focus on the international drug problem from three perspectives: (1) stemming the flow of drugs into and throughout the United States, (2) reducing the profit from the distribution and sale of illegal drugs, and (3) providing effective prevention and treatment strategies.
The task force concluded that drugs are a national epidemic that cut across all socioeconomic and ethnic lines and that threaten national security, economic development, health, education, police, fiscal and human resources, individual families, and individual personal values. The annual economic cost alone is approximately $67 billion. States must assume a greater responsibility in setting and implementing the country's anti-drug agenda. However, no state operating in isolation can solve the problem. Drug abuse is a multifaceted issue that requires comprehensive, coordinated, and long-term strategies. Recommended actions include states' establishment of self-sustaining communication networks to share information and best practices locally, regionally, and nationally; sustained momentum on alcohol and tobacco prevention for youth; and similar state and federal anti-drug legislation to ensure effective and comprehensive drug law enforcement across the country. Profiles and contact information for state initiatives and programs in prevention and education, drug treatment, and asset forfeiture and enforcement; figures; and list of members of the anti-drug task force


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