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Drug Use in Greater Accra, Ghana: Pilot Study

NCJ Number
Substance Use and Misuse Volume: 34 Issue: 2 Dated: 1999 Pages: 157-169
Y H Affinnih
Date Published
13 pages
The goal of this exploratory study of drug use in greater Accra, Ghana, is intended to expand understanding of the rapidly changing drug problem in Africa.
Until the last decade, Ghana, with its excellent transportation links, was only a transit point in the transport of drugs to other countries. Drug use in Ghana itself was largely confined to Indian hemp or marijuana. The current exploratory study of drug use in Accra is based on a 1996 survey of 117 former and current drug users in greater Accra. In addition to cataloging the nature of drug use in Accra, the study classified drug users by age, gender, marital status, occupation, income, education, ethnicity, and residence. The findings show that such drugs as heroin and cocaine, as well as psychotropic substances, are now diverted for local consumption. Further, the survey indicates that the typical drug user in greater Accra is a 30- year-old, working class or underclass male who uses cocaine or heroin. Many drug users resort to petty theft to support their habit, because they are usually unemployed. 10 tables and 19 references


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