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Drug Testing in the Juvenile Justice System: A Cost- Benefit Analysis

NCJ Number
P J Schaefer
Date Published
24 pages
This paper presents a framework for a cost-benefit analysis for use by juvenile justice decisionmakers in exploring the pragmatic possibility of implementing a drug testing program in their agencies.
The discussion notes that in some cases it may be more costly not to have a drug testing program than to have one. In every case, it is possible to reduce the financial burden of a drug testing program to its most cost-effective level. The cost-benefit analysis should follow a four-step process. The first step is to match the agency mission with the program objectives. The second is to consider the potential for long-term financial effects. The third step is identifying funding sources and cost factors for onsite testing and contract services. The final step is to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs. Agencies must consider both long-term and short-term costs and savings when deciding whether to establish drug testing programs. Most short-term cost and benefit factors are agency-specific and can be calculated. The potential for long-term gains has been demonstrated. To accomplish agency missions at the most cost-efficient level, policymakers must use proactive rather than reactive approaches to problemsolving. Table and 12 references