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Drug Seizure and Offender Statistics, United Kingdom, 1999

NCJ Number
John Martin Corkery
Date Published
80 pages
This report presents statistics on drug seizures and drug offenders in the United Kingdom during 1999.
Data came from police statistics and data from H. M. Customs and Excise. Results revealed that the number of drug seizures declined 13 percent from 1998 to 132,000 in 1999. This decline contrasted from the 9 percent increase of the previous year. The number of seizures involving heroin and crack cocaine fell by 0.5 percent and 2 percent respectively, whereas those involving cocaine increased by 8 percent. Seizures of marijuana declined by 15 percent, but they still represented 74 percent of all seizures. The number of drug offenders declined by 8 percent to 120,000 in 1999. Increases occurred in the numbers of persons handled for most Class A drugs, including cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy-type drugs. In contrast, declines occurred in the numbers of persons handled for offenses involving Class B drugs, including 11 percent for marijuana and 20 percent for amphetamines. Figures, tables, and notes