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Drug Resources Guide

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
The Federal government sponsors several clearinghouses and agencies that collect, organize, and distribute quality information on drugs.
These resources are open to all -- from policymakers and planners to researchers, students, and community action participants. Many agencies offer valuable assistance within their areas of expertise. This guide is organized into 4 drug-related subjects -- justice, health, education, and housing. Within each category, the major clearinghouses collecting and disseminating information are described. Also highlighted are selected statistical studies and surveys, available for distribution and described in more detail in a special section at the back of the guide. Each clearinghouse is identified by name with its sponsoring agency and Cabinet-level department. A general statement of its purpose is included, with specifics on its services, users, special drug focus, phone number, and hours of operation. The clearinghouses and phone numbers are repeated on the guide's back cover for ready reference.