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Drug-Related Early Intervention: Developing Services for Young People and Families

NCJ Number
Maggie Owolade; Annette Dale-Perera
Alison Dewar
Date Published
40 pages
This document describes early intervention procedures to help young people who are at risk of harm from the use or misuse of drugs.
Drug use among young people is increasing and must be taken seriously. Although most young people will “grow out” of experimental drug use, some will not and will go on to regular or problematic drug use. Drug-related early intervention involves providing services for young people, and sometimes their families, either before drug use starts or to offset the development or worsening of drug-related patterns of harm. Early intervention services should include health, social welfare, education and crime prevention to provide an integrated network able to respond effectively to young people’s needs. The book presents data on, among other topics: (1) trends in substance use among young people; (2) factors increasing vulnerability and enhancing resilience; (3) enhancing success and avoiding failure in drug services for young people; and (4) project types. Figures, appendixes