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Drug Problems: Where to Get Help; A Comprehensive Guide to Drug Treatment and Care Services in England and Wales

NCJ Number
Date Published
395 pages
This book provides a comprehensive listing of agencies in England and Wales that offer help, advice, and treatment for drug users, their families, and friends.
Each entry contains the town in which the service is based as well as the current or former county or London borough in which service is based. Also included is the primary classification of the service. The primary, secondary, and tertiary classifications are included within the classification index; services provided are listed within the entry under services. The service classifications are community advice and information service, community drug team, criminal justice intervention service, dedicated prison service, drug dependency unit, family service group/center, hostel/supported accommodation, needle/syringe exchange, regional drug service, residential rehabilitation service, self-help service group/center, semi-supported accommodation, specialist hospital inpatient unit, and structured day program. Other parts of each entry are the area in which services are provided or from where referrals will be accepted, opening and closing times for clients without appointments, opening and closing times of the office, whether or not self-referrals are accepted or who can refer, ages of clients for whom services are provided, and types of drug use with which the service will work. Each entry also indicates the disabilities for which provisions are in place and any specific provisions, whether services are provided for the friends and families of drug-using clients, which of a standard list of service types are provided, whether or not there is a charge to clients, and whether or not service evaluation has been conducted in the last 2 years.