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Drug Misusing Prisoners Received During the Financial Year 1989/90

NCJ Number
L Somander; H Johansson
Date Published
45 pages
Data from 7,650 offenders who entered Swedish prisons with sentences of more than 2 months during fiscal year 1989-90 revealed that 43 percent were drug abusers, compared to 12 percent for those receiving sentences of up to 2 months.
The classification of drug abusing inmates with sentences of more than 2 months has been undertaken since 1983. The highest proportion was 47 percent in 1987-88, and the proportion has declined in each of the last 2 years. However, the absolute number of serious drug abusers has increased since 1983 from just over 1,200 to just over 2,200. During the last 6 years, the median age of all drug abusers has increased from 28 to 30, with the proportion under age 30 declining. Inmates are classified into three categories: serious drug misusers, drug misusers, or non- users, with serious users being those who have either used drugs daily or injected drugs at least once during the 2 months before entering prison. Sentenced prisoners must receive treatment planning within 3 weeks of prison intake. Figures, tables, and lists of reports