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Drug Interdiction: Funding Continues to Increase But Program Effectiveness is Unknown

NCJ Number
Date Published
23 pages
This report provides information on Federal programs to interdict illicit drugs being smuggled into the United States, in particular their performance and funding allocation, quantities of drugs seized, and use of prior intelligence on the illegal drug shipments.
Drug interdiction programs are established by the Coast Guard, Customs, and the Border Patrol to stop entry of illicit drugs at the United States borders by focusing on the mode of transportation. Funding for these programs in fiscal year 1990 increased by 40 percent over the budget of 1989. However, it is difficult to measure and compare performance among programs because the parameter of increased seizures does not necessarily indicate program success. A decrease in seizure may result from program deterrence of drug smuggling or from change in mode of transportation. For this reason it is not clear whether resources are properly allocated among the various drug interdiction programs. The results show that most drug seizures occurred during routine interdiction, but the relationship between seizures and use of prior intelligence varied with the particular program. Only the Coast Guard used prior intelligence from informants and investigative work in the majority of seizures. 11 tables and 2 figures