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Drug Court of New South Wales

NCJ Number
Judicial Officers' Bulletin Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Dated: March 1999 Pages: 9-11
G Murrell
Date Published
3 pages
This article examines the establishment and operation of the Drug Court of New South Wales (NSW).
The object of the Drug Court is to reduce the level of criminal activity that results from drug dependency. Through the court, non-violent drug-dependent offenders who would otherwise be imprisoned are diverted into programs designed to eliminate their dependency on drugs. The article discusses the NSW court's implementation of 10 key components of US drug courts. It also examines eligibility of offenders; procedure and facilities; participants' programs; and sanctions. In the drug court, prosecution and defense lawyers cooperate in a non-adversarial climate. There is a close working relationship between treatment providers, law enforcement agencies and the court, because all share the goal of rehabilitating drug-dependent offenders. Notes


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