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NCJ Number
Date Published
22 pages
This report presents the results of a General Accounting Office study of the coordination of Federal domestic narcotics intelligence activities.
The study focused on the primary Federal organizations that collect and analyze domestic drug-related intelligence. It reviewed a sample of intelligence reports produced by 14 centers to identify duplicate reporting on such data as geographic region, transportation method, and type of drugs. Data were also obtained from the headquarters of the Justice Department, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Coast Guard, the Department of Defense, and the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). Federal organizations reported operating 19 counternarcotics intelligence centers; another national center is planned for the summer of 1993. The primary function of 15 centers is to collect and analyze time-sensitive information such as current location and movement of specific drug-smuggling activities. The remaining four centers generally produce information on long-term trends and patterns. This information is used to decide where to target future drug interdiction resources. Duplication was found in the analysis and reporting of drug intelligence data; for example, four intelligence centers analyzed air traffic activity along the southwest U.S. border. Each reported on aircraft type, routes, and suspected drugs being transported. The ONDCP establishes priorities for intelligence functions and encourages agency cooperation in coordinating and sharing intelligence information. It does not, however, have the authority to direct agency intelligence activities. Appended chronology of attempts to coordinate drug intelligence activities among agencies