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Drug Arrests in Wisconsin Semi-Annual Report 1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
Drug-related arrests made by Wisconsin law enforcement agencies during the first six months of 1990 are summarized.
The report is based upon figures submitted by the 295 law enforcement agencies which directly contribute Uniform Crime Reporting information. In the first half of 1990, there were small decreases in arrests for all drug categories, except for the sale of marijuana together with both sale and possession of synthetic narcotics. For adults, there were modest increases for both sale and possession arrests. The number of juvenile arrests for all drug arrest categories, except the sale and possession of synthetic narcotics, decreased. From the first half of 1987 to the first half of 1990, total adult drug arrests have increased by 44.5 percent, but juvenile drug arrests have decreased by 5 percent. Over 75 percent of drug-related arrests involved marijuana during most of the last decade. The proportion of total drug arrests involving cocaine increased sharply through 1989 but decreased slightly in 1990. 2 appendixes, 6 tables, and 3 graphs