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Drug Abuse Testing - Successful Models for Treatment and Control in Correctional Programs - Second Edition

NCJ Number
Date Published
37 pages
This booklet documents the successful use of urinalysis in local and national drug screening programs, discusses urinalysis screening in corrections, and provides instructions on operating an in-house urine testing program.
Program descriptions reflect various experiences in using urinalysis screening systems. They deal with the West Texas Regional Adult Probation Department; the Montgomery County (Md.) Pre-Release Center; Emerson House, a Denver residential treatment program; the Oregon State Hospital Cornerstone program; the Federal prison system drug program; and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA)-sponsored Treatment Alternatives to Street Crimes (TASC) Program. The major uses for urinalysis testing are screening for release on own recognizance, classifying offenders, monitoring treatment, initiating intervention following drug use, collecting data for program and budget planning, controlling contraband, testing for 'rampant' institutional drug abuse, and monitoring drug use after conjugal visits. Several legal considerations, however, can influence successful use of this testing, particularly for referral screening. These constraints include the 'voluntariness' principle, fourth amendment search and seizure rules, and due process rights, which can be affected by the test's accuracy. Steps to follow in setting up an in-house urine testing laboratory are described, using the California Department of Corrections an example. The description covers staffing and training scheduling, budget requirements, facility design, testing protocol, legal requirements, and the usefulness of the procedure. An annotated bibliography with eight citations, a directory of TASC projects, and sample testing and recording procedures are appended.