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Drug Abuse Services Research Series: Background Papers on Drug Abuse Financing and Services Research

NCJ Number
L Saxe; G Shusterman; M Schlesinger; R Dorwart; R Clark; R Apsler; W M Harding; C P Tompkins; T G McGuire; Ru
Date Published
152 pages
Six papers prepared for discussion at the Annual Advisory Committee Meeting of the Center for Drug Abuse Services Research (held at Brandeis University on January 23-24, 1990) pertain to current methodological developments and research findings regarding the drug abuse service delivery system.
The first paper addresses the importance of standardized and meaningful definitions of drug abuse treatment. The authors propose a multidimensional taxonomy of drug treatment modalities that takes into account not only the treatment setting, but also the technology and active ingredients of treatment necessary to further understanding of treatment outcomes. The second paper discusses issues that relate to current drug treatment capacity. It summarizes the evolution of the drug treatment system and perceptions of appropriate accessibility and treatment. It then presents some measure of current treatment capacity and examines the relationship between need and capacity; drug treatment is then considered in the broader context of the health and social services systems. The third paper focuses on cost-effectiveness analysis, which is especially important in the current climate of increasing demand for drug treatment coupled with limited resources. Recognizing the importance of the workplace in addressing the drug abuse problem, the fourth paper describes drug use in the employed population, provides an overview of the role of employee assistance programs, and discusses related policy and research issues. The remaining two papers address workplace policies regarding employee assistance programs, insurance coverage, and drug testing, as well as the state of knowledge, policy issues, and research issues regarding drug abuse treatment for pregnant women. References accompany each paper.