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Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Training Center Policies and Procedures

NCJ Number
Date Published
15 pages
This monograph documents the policies, procedures, and standards for the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Training Centers.
DARE teachers techniques to help youth resist peer pressure and say "no" to drug, alcohol, and tobacco use. The DARE Regional Training Centers provide an initial 80-hour training course for law enforcement officers who will teach the curriculum in elementary schools as well as an additional 40 hours of training for officers who will train other officers as DARE instructors. The training centers also provide inservice training, accreditation for DARE State Training Centers, and monitoring of each State's program. This monograph contains the DARE Training Center Policy Advisory Board bylaws. General provisions cover the board's authority and responsibility. The articles encompass governance, membership, officers, meetings, committees, and amendments. The section on policies and procedures addresses Regional Training Center jurisdictions, standards for training centers, the selection of DARE officer candidates, the selection of mentor officer candidates, the certification of mentor officers, and proposed modifications to DARE curricular materials.