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Drug Abuse Prevention: Recent International Efforts

NCJ Number
EuroCriminology Volume: 3 Dated: (1990) Pages: 13-26
W Wieniawski
Date Published
14 pages
Two main approaches for drug abuse prevention are described: interdiction of drug supply, which is based on the action of customs and police authorities; and reduction of illicit demand for drugs, which calls for the involvement of social and health institutions.
The 1988 United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances contains 25 substantive articles and nine procedural ones. These provisions include: a long list of offenses that should be punished as drug-related crimes; provisions that relate to the seizure of illicit drugs; the list of persons who can be prosecuted for drug-related offenses; several provisions to facilitate the collaboration between police authorities of various countries; and a number of control measures over the licit use of various chemicals that may be employed in the illicit production of narcotics. In addition to preventive efforts, demand reduction measures need to consider the existing population of addicts who generate a steady demand for drugs. Two approaches can be used to reduce this source of illicit demand: treatment that leads to a full recovery and maintenance of addiction under medical supervision. Drug abuse trends in Poland are identified. 20 footnotes