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Drug Abuse Among Race/Ethnic Minorities

NCJ Number
A N Kopstein; P T Roth
Date Published
77 pages
This report presents data on substance abuse among racial/ethnic minorities as of 1988.
Most of the data in this report are presented in narrative and tabular forms, beginning with the prevalence and demographics of drug use among racial/ethnic minorities. General household populations are examined for their use of any illicit drug, and use of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, cigarettes, and alcohol. A chapter on high school seniors, eighth and tenth graders, American Indians, and Hispanic subgroups includes a section on Drug Abuse and Dropouts. Maternal Drinking and Smoking Before and During Pregnancy, and In Utero Exposure to drugs are examined for women of childbearing age (15-44). Data on Adverse Health Consequences of Drug Abuse for Minority Populations include: drug-related emergency room episodes; medical examiner cases of drug-related deaths; HIV infection, AIDS, and intravenous drug use; high-risk sexual and drug use behaviors for HIV infection; and other sexually transmitted diseases. There are chapters on Treatment Admissions, Crime and Drugs, Drug Abuse Research Issues Related to Minority Populations (including AIDS Prevention Needs), and Future Drug Abuse Program and Research Needs. Tables, figures, references, appendix