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Dreaming About Our Futures ... Do Not Disturb

NCJ Number
Their World Dated: (1988) Pages: 109-110
A Mark
Date Published
2 pages
The 'I Have A Dream' program for learning disabled elementary students on New York City's Lower East Side involves social outings, individual tutoring, and a wilderness experience.
The educational approach includes listening to and accepting the students and their dreams through small group outings each weekend that include eating lunch together, attending sports events, special event parties, holiday celebrations, and informal get-togethers. Individual tutoring is by professional educators who motivate students by devising challenging, interesting projects that involve students in learning that demonstrates they can succeed. Weekly logs written by tutors to regular classroom teachers communicate important information about students' strengths and learning covered on Saturday mornings. By the end of the program's first year, 12 of the 25 students had improved their grades, effort, attendance, and behavior. The program is about to embark on a 5-day wilderness experience designed to teach the students to work together and depend upon one another as well as solve problems. Overall, the program has helped many discouraged students view themselves as competent and able to relate to others in satisfying ways.