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Doubly Deviant: Women Using Alcohol and Other Drugs

NCJ Number
International Journal on Drug Policy Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Dated: (January/February 1991) Pages: 25-27
D Broom; A Stevens
Date Published
3 pages
Research and services related to alcohol and other drugs in Australia and other countries focused only on males until the 1970's and have only recently been based on a feminist perspective.
The contemporary women's movement has identified the omissions and distortions and has helped broaden understanding and raised questions about basic assumptions underlying social thought and policies. The first studies that considered females and drug use tended simply to add women to the previously all-male samples. However, in the 1980's, studies were initiated that made females and gender the central focus. In addition, Australian women have been successful in obtaining government services that address their special needs. Feminist research and services are carefully considering the way social beliefs about gender influence women's experience of drug use and treatment and challenge the traditional medical model that assumed drug abuse to be a symptom of an individual's genetic or environmental defects. Finally, a main contribution of the feminist perspective may be its appreciation of the complexities and contradictions that affect the issues being discussed. 31 references


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