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Don't Be A Victim of Burglars

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
Steps homeowners can take to deter burglars from entering their properties are depicted.
Protective barriers around the home are suggested. Particularly vulnerable areas of the house include the garage with its side door into the interior, patio doors, and all other exterior openings. Securing these with adequate locks and making sure they are constructed of impenetrable materials constitute physical deterrents. Psychological and perceptual barriers create appearances that function as deterrents. Among these are outdoor lighting, visible alarms, barking dogs, and a 'lived in' appearance (A house must look occupied even when the owners are absent.). To this end, timed switches should be installed throughout the house for the radio and television as well as for lights. Newspapers and mail should be collected by neighbors in the owners' absence. Operation Identification, a program urging citizens to mark their belongings with their driver's license numbers, which can be automatically traced, makes retrieval of stolen items easier. An Operation Identification sticker can be visibly displayed and may serve a deterrent function. Other precautions are noted.