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Domestic Violence Victim Assistance Program - Final Narrative Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
24 pages
This project report for Safespace, a domestic violence victim assistance program located in Florida's Dade County, describes its goals and accomplishments for the third and final year of LEAA grant funding, 1979-80.
Safespace successfully provided emergency shelter, counseling, and supportive services to over 400 battered women and their children during the year and crisis counseling to over 1,400 phone callers. Other activities included followup counseling, collection of data on client characteristics, a public information program, and training for criminal justice and social service agencies. Most efforts exceeded the goals originally set by the project, although community input was sporadic and significantly fewer clients were given referrals to day care and vocational training than anticipated because of the limited openings. Federal funding during the year allowed the staff to focus on developing a stable, quality service with community backing that could convince the county to assume full project costs in the future. The appendixes contain activity summaries by quarter, a battered women fact sheet, and statistics on caseloads and client characteristics.