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Domestic Violence Training: Strategy and Tactics

NCJ Number
W M Holmes; R Kohl; D Brensilber; C Kaufman
Date Published
15 pages
The domestic violence training strategy employed by the Cambridge, Massachusetts, Police Department to help police officers respond to victims of violence and elder abuse is evaluated.
Training objectives focus on conveying information, providing moral and administrative support, and offering an opportunity to role play different responses. The training strategy is evaluated for two projects, one concerned with domestic violence victims and the other with elder abuse victims. The evaluation shows that both projects attempted to modify trainee knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. Police officers and other trainees became more aware of laws and regulations governing their actions. In addition, they learned about background circumstances affecting situations to which they responded. Many police officers reported changes in their attitudes toward domestic violence as a result of the training experience. Recommendations to improve the training strategy and the training evaluation process are offered. 26 references