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Domestic Violence Programmes: Reflections on the Shift from Independent to Statutory Provision

NCJ Number
Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 41 Issue: 2 Dated: May 2002 Pages: 167-181
Tina Eadie; Charlotte Knight
Date Published
14 pages
This article discusses developments in domestic violence programs in the Midlands, England.
Discussing the recent attention paid to issues of domestic violence by criminal justice agencies, this article highlights domestic abuse awareness programs for men convicted of abusing women. After providing a discussion of the development of men’s programs in Britain, these authors compare two local domestic violence initiatives, developed in the Midland in the 1990’s. Discussing the two programs’ differing underpinning values and access to resources, the authors present the struggles for power and control experienced by these two agencies. Concluding that such agency struggles cannot compromise the safety of the women the programs are trying to help, the authors stress the importance of open dialogue between agencies working to develop domestic violence programs. Notes, references