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Domestic Violence Inventory

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
The Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI) is a 193-item test that provides results onsite within minutes after test completion and that is designed specifically for risk and needs assessment of offenders who have committed physical, emotional, or verbal abuse.
DVI reports summarizes six measures, including a validity scale regarding the individual's truthfulness, alcohol scale, aggressiveness scale, drugs scale, violence scale, and stress coping ability. DVI research is based on a national sample of male and female offenders in probation, corrections, and court-related settings. DVI scales have been validated with the MMPI, polygraph examinations, and other psychometric tests. DVI requires a sixth grade reading level and takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. This self-administered test can be given on the computer screen or in paper-and-pencil test booklet format. Regardless of how it is administered, the DVI is scored on IBM-PC- compatible computers that generate DVI reports within minutes of test completion. The reports include recommendations for specific intervention, probation, and treatment. Sample report