NCJ Number
Date Published
7 pages
The first essay emphasizes the importance of using an interdisciplinary approach to the study of domestic violence.
Only through such an approach will the various disciplines, as well as academics and professionals working in this area, come to understand the nature, causes, consequences, and treatments for domestic violence. Currently, the field of research and practice in domestic violence cannot be viewed as the domain of any one discipline. Its themes necessarily transcend or cross over several disciplines. Dialogs between and among disciplines are occurring with greater frequency, such that the field of domestic violence is becoming more of an interdisciplinary study, with that term signifying a higher level of integration among the various disciplines that are studying this problem. The collection of readings that follow this essay are written by a historian, lawyer, criminologist, and psychologist. Each author approaches domestic violence from the perspective and expertise of his/her own discipline, with attention to an issue in domestic violence related to that discipline. A 25-item bibliography