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Domestic Violence Housing First Demonstration Evaluation Project: Interim Findings after 6 and 12 Months - Technical Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2022
130 pages

This technical report presents the impacts of the Domestic Violence Housing First model on domestic violence survivors and their children across one year, and includes data from the baseline, six months, and 12 months after the provision of services.


This document reports on the Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) model’s demonstration evaluation results. The demonstration evaluation was designed to rigorously examine the mechanisms through which mobile advocacy and flexible funding lead to housing stability, safety, and well-being for domestic violence (DV) survivors and their children, over time. For this study, the researchers used multi-method, multi-source design methods; the authors collected detailed information from study participants and other service provider advocates about the quantity and quality of services received, as well as the match between services and clients’ needs. The authors examined the extent to which services were trauma-informed and culturally relevant, as well as the contextual factors that relate to housing stability, such as English proficiency or having been in foster care as a child.  The authors also measured the length and intensity of services provided to DV survivors over time. Study participants were interviewed every six months over a period of two years. This technical report lays out the study design, participating programs, procedures, participant descriptions, services descriptions and outcomes, and findings after 12 months. The authors found that positive changes emerged as a result of having received DVHF services; the evaluation study showed that the DVHF model meets its primary goal of increasing housing stability after six and 12 months, as well as improvements in post-traumatic stress disorder and safety-related empowerment. Results also showed that six differences were found at six months that were not sustained at 12 months: financial strain; ability to make ends meet; depression; anxiety; alcohol misuse; and quality of life. Researchers found that DVHF improved housing stability more than services as usual (SAU), and they suggest that DVHF may lead to greater safety over time, noting a reduction of abuse at the 12-month mark.