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Domestic Violence in Birmingham: The Results From an Inter-Agency Survey and Proposal for a Shared Inter-Agency Data Base

NCJ Number
Date Published
5 pages
This report provides results obtained from an inter-agency survey and proposal for a shared inter-agency database in Birmingham, England.
This report includes data on the numbers of domestic violence victims and survivors, surveys opinion on the development of a shared inter-agency database, produces a brief review of data collected by the agencies, and provides recommendations for a future database for Birmingham, England. Facts on domestic violence from the British Crime Survey are included, such as 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence at some stage in her life, 1 of 8 to 10 has experienced domestic violence in the past year, every week 2 women are killed by their current or former partners with domestic violence accounting for one-quarter of all violent crime, and everyday thousands of children witness cruelty and violence behind closed doors. Tables show the estimated level of domestic violence in Birmingham and also in the highest four wards of Birmingham, in 2000/2001; and applying British Crime Survey Findings, the number of domestic violence incidents as reported to West Midlands Police in 2000/2001, by ward. A review of the information collected and methods used to collect it by agencies is discussed. It was found that a majority of the agencies interviewed were in favor of a combined database on domestic violence.