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Domestic Violence in Asian & Pacific Islander Communities National Summit 2002: Proceedings

NCJ Number
Date Published
120 pages
This report presents the proceedings of the first Domestic Violence in Asian & Pacific Islander Communities National Summit, convened in San Francisco, CA, in June 2002.
The Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence facilitates and acts as a clearinghouse for information, research, resources, and critical issues regarding violence against women in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. The goal of the organization is to end violence against women through "socio-cultural transformations that go beyond improving services." The goals of the first Summit were to enhance the understanding of the critical issues facing Asian and Pacific Islander (API) battered women and to develop strategies and collaborations that will bring about the social transformations necessary to end domestic violence. The format of the Summit involved four, half-day panel discussions, followed by breakout roundtable discussions. The four panels each addressed issues identified as most crucial to API battered women: the type of intra-familial violence experienced by API women, the intersection of culture and domestic violence, domestic violence related homicides, and issues involving children and their abused mothers. The report contains the papers presented during the panels, as well as the roundtable discussion questions raised after each panel. The papers presented span from stories and poetry to research findings from a statewide fatality review. The appendix contains a fact sheet describing domestic violence in API communities and a directory of API agencies and programs.